

  1. 澳门十大赌城官方网站确保学生拥有必要的技能,以启动一个成功的职业生涯,并成为一个富有成效和积极参与的公民.

    • 行动项目1

      Responsible Division/Vice President: Academic Affairs/Dr. 泰勒

      参与者: 教师; Student Affairs/Dr. 特拉维斯


      注: Three initiatives are proposed:
      1. Revision and implementation of GEP;
      2. Investigation of role of co-curricular education as part of skill acquisition (e.g., leadership); and,
      3. Use of e-portfolios as repository of evidence of skill acquisition.

  2. 所有毕业生都有多个高影响力实践(HIPs),重点是实习和综合顶点经验.

    • 行动项目2

      Responsible Division/Vice President: Academic Affairs/Dr. 泰勒

      参与者: 教师; 工作人员; Student Affairs/Dr. 特拉维斯


      注: Three initiatives are proposed;  
      1.  Increased student awareness of FSU’s commitment to and expansion of HIPs; 
      2.  Increased emphasis on internship experiences; and,
      3.  Development of intentional learning and “signature works” in capstone experiences.

  3. 澳门十大赌城官方网站通过全面的学术和职业服务来支持学生的成功,这些服务侧重于学生从入学到成为校友的需求

    • 行动项目3

      Responsible Division/Vice President:  Academic Affairs/Dr. 泰勒

      参与者: 教师; Student Affairs/Dr. 特拉维斯; University Advancement/Mr. 短


      注: 参加NACADA/Gardner研究所卓越学术指导计划将是在5年期间改善和加强学术指导的主要动力.  FSU还将重点关注二年级的经历,因为这是通过课程提供职业建议的关键时期, self-inventories, and programming as part of the second-year residency requirement.  认识到职业和专业发展中心(CDPC)对学生和校友的价值,作为职业选择和晋升的资源, CPDC的服务和产品将以达到或超过国家最佳实践基准的方式进行评估.

  4. 澳门十大赌城官方网站提供促进学生参与的项目和服务, and the development of self-awareness and well-being.

    • 行动项目4

      Responsible Division/Vice President:  Student Affairs/Dr. 特拉维斯 


      注: 这一结果依赖于对课外活动的重视,以改善学生的身心健康. 一项多年计划的结果与一个全面的方法,幸福将导致一个明确的联合课程.

  5. 澳门十大赌城官方网站将公民学习和民主参与融入课程和课外学生体验中.

    • 行动项目5

      Responsible Division/Vice President: Student Affairs/Dr. 特拉维斯 

      参与者: 教师; 工作人员; Academic Affairs/Dr. 泰勒; Regional Engagement/Mr. 迪莉娅

      2023年的结果: All FSU graduates demonstrate respect for differences, and an increase in their cultural competency.

      注: Recognizing the increasing diversity of the FSU student body, faculty and 工作人员, FSU will create greater opportunities for inclusion and public celebration of diversity. 

  6. 澳门十大赌城官方网站保持着一种尊重人和思想差异的澳门赌城官方网站, values inclusion and diversity, and promotes cultural competence.

    • 行动项目6

      Responsible Division/Vice President: Student Affairs/Dr. 特拉维斯 

      参与者: 教师; 工作人员; Academic Affairs/Dr. 泰勒; Enrollment Management

      2023年的结果: All FSU graduates demonstrate respect for differences, and an increase in their cultural competency.

      注: Recognizing the increasing diversity of the FSU student body, faculty and 工作人员, FSU will create greater opportunities for inclusion and public celebration of diversity. 

  7. Frostburg State University fosters regional development through increased: 1) number of graduates employed in the region; 2) number of businesses created by faculty, 工作人员, or graduates; and 3) number of collaborative regional development projects.

    • 行动项目7

      Responsible Division/Vice President:  Regional Engagement/Mr. 迪莉娅


      注: This needs further development

  8. Technology is seamlessly integrated into the learning and campus experience.

    • 行动项目8

      Responsible Division/Vice President: 管理 & 金融/CIO/Troy Donoway

      参与者: 教师; 工作人员; Academic Affairs/Dr. 泰勒; Student Affairs/Dr. 特拉维斯


      注: IT总体规划是这一行动项目的关键组成部分,在教师之间的协调和沟通, 工作人员, 学生, and IT 工作人员 is critical to enhancing the usefulness (e.g., ease of use, seamless integration of data) of IT products on campus.


  9. 澳门十大赌城官方网站(Frostburg State University)的招聘计划将学生需求、地区和州对三个目标群体的劳动力需求结合起来——高中毕业生, the college transfer student, and the working adult.

    • 行动项目9

      Responsible Division/Vice President:  Enrollment Management

      参与者: 教师; Academic Affairs/Dr. 泰勒

      2023年的结果:计划, based on appropriate analytics, 显示了在一段时间内学生招聘和就业安置数据的改善,反映了在解决地区和全州劳动力需求方面的成功.

      注: Recognizing the increasing diversity of the FSU student body, faculty and 工作人员, FSU will create greater opportunities for inclusion and public celebration of diversity. 

  10. FSU通过传统和新兴市场媒体推广到招聘计划中确定的目标部分,突出成功, 服务, and features appropriate to each target segment.

    • 行动项目10

      Responsible Division/Vice President:  Enrollment Management; University Advancement, Mr. 短


      注: Focus is two-fold. 主要重点是提高高中学生、转学学生和在职成年人对FSU的认识. The secondary focus is increasing public and alumni knowledge of FSU accomplishments.

  11. 澳门十大赌城官方网站的预算模式是透明的,基于明确的绩效指标和提供的资源,以缩小与同行机构的差距或超过关键基准.

    • 行动项目11

      Responsible Division/Vice President: 管理 & 金融/Mr. 维登

      参与者: Academic Affairs/Dr. 泰勒; Student Affairs/Dr. 特拉维斯; University Advancement/Mr. 短; Regional Engagement/Mr. 迪莉娅; Enrollment Management


      注: Three initiatives are proposed:

      1. A revised budgeting process better aligned with performance and university priorities;
      2. Continued attention to enhancing communication and transparency about the budget; and,
      3. Eliminating the salary gap between FSU and peer institutions for faculty and 工作人员.
  12. FSU为其教职员工提供专业发展机会,以确保他们在各自的领域或服务领域处于领先地位.

    • 行动项目12

      Responsible Division/Vice President: 管理 & 金融/Mr. 维登

      参与者: Academic Affairs/Dr. 泰勒; Student Affairs/Dr. 特拉维斯; University Advancement/Mr. 短; Regional Engagement/Mr. 迪莉娅; Enrollment Management


      注:  这一行动项目要求对每个员工的专业发展计划提高认识和支持. Outcomes should include 1) improved employee morale; 2) improved service to clients and consumers; and, 3) greater internal advancement and promotion opportunities within FSU.